Seaweed Ambassadors Programme
The Seaweed Ambassadors Programme was created to connect people passionate about seaweed looking for opportunities to communicate about our favorite sea vegetable with diverse audiences. This evolving initiative brings together individuals from across the globe with a variety of backgrounds to share scientific evidence while using accessible language. The Seaweed Ambassadors Programme is building on a collaboration between the Global Seaweed Coalition and the UN Global Compact (UNGC). Seaweed Ambassadors spread awareness of seaweed’s ability to support sustainability in climate and food systems and emphasize the role of safety within those systems. Whether directly involved in the seaweed value chain or simply seaweed enthusiasts, Seaweed Ambassadors interact with one another and within personal and professional networks to share the latest evidence-based seaweed news.

Matteo Andraghetti is a free spirit, independent, empathetic and dreamer, that since 2015 transformed in a job his love for life and seaweed. He is the founder of the online shop Pappatilavita through which he helps italian consumers, manufacturers, dealers, and Ho.Re.Ca companies /professionals, to discover the seaweed’s applications and multiple properties. He also is collaborating in the development of a project for the enhancement of the Adriatic seaweed.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn & Twitter
Based in: Italy

David Berg is an environmental analyst and urban planner; since 2016 assisting private growers, municipalities, NGOs with seaweed science, permitting, cultivation, and processing in New York.
Preferred communication platforms: Email
Based in: United States

Andrea Blanc is an MSc student in Sustainability Transformation with a major in food transition at ESSEC Business School
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: France

Aurélia Buteau is a lawyer with over five years of experience in Eastern France. Now back in Nantes in Western France, she intends to promote seaweed and its multiple uses. She is also very interested in entrepreneurship. The application of seaweed in the food packaging industry is one of her favorite topics.
Preferred communication platform: LinkedIn
Based in: France

Pauline Casaux currently works as coordinator of International Relations in Toba, Japan, a coastal city that produces seaweed. Deep seaweed enthusiast, she believes that countries with a long history of incorporating seaweed into their daily diets have much to teach us and that this can be achieved through civic, scientific and business cooperation. Her key responsibilities include Public Relations and Business Development.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn, Website
Based in: Japan

Diana Corbin is a strategy, fundraising, and impact leader with 25 years of international development experience at the World Bank and as an independent consultant. A Certified Fundraising Executive, she uses her global experience to find local solutions. She is also an ocean enthusiast and a Triple Crown open water swimmer.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn & Email
Based in: United States

Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: United States

Raul Dellagiovanna is a Project Manager specialized in business development.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn & Email
Based in: Argentina

Allison Fortner is a doctoral student in agricultural & environmental science communication at the University of Georgia. A former Safe Seaweed Coalition intern, she is passionate about developing relationships between the seaweed and agriculture industries.
Preferred communication platforms: Instagram & LinkedIn
Based in: United States

Rachael Franchini is an M.A. candidate at George Washington University studying International Development Studies, concentrating in sustainable development and food security in sub-Saharan Africa.
Preferred communication platform: LinkedIn
Based in: United States

Nathan Gaborieau is a MSc student in Global Challenges for Sustainability.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: France and Ireland

Teresa García is an agronomist engineer and expert in animal/fish production and nutrition. Tere is also a Ph.D. student and researcher of alternative and new ingredients to prepare sustainable food for fish and other aquaculture species.
Preferred communication platform: Email
Based in: Chile

Thomas Grohando has been working for several years as a Product Manager in charge of developing sustainable innovations. He is interested in the potential of algae to develop sustainable alternatives in our current industries (e.g. food, new materials…).
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: France

Zara Hawkins is a youth activist and seaweed enthusiast. Along with her brother in 2020, she co-founded Hidden Plastic at the age of 11, to educate about the dangers of the lesser-known plastics. Her passion for seaweed has recently led to the creation of her own site, SuperSeaweed.
Preferred communication platform: Email, Instagram & Linkedin
Based in: UK

Oscar Ikinya is passionate about Seaweed – its cultivation and value addition. From consuming seaweed for personal health reasons, to making seaweed fertilizer for organic farming to seeking to facilitate seaweed cultivation after a seaweed training, Oscar is now looking to improve livelihoods, mitigate climate change and enhance food security by facilitating seaweed cultivation and value addition, in the North Coast, Kenya, East Africa.
Preferred communication platform: Email
Based in: North Coast of Kenya

Liam Maguire is a student at the University of Utrecht studying Global Challenges for Sustainability as part of the CHARM EU Masters Programme. As part of the master’s programme, Liam is undertaking research on the feasibility of integrating Seaweed based products into European markets.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: Netherlands

Manon Malsang is a master’s student in climate sciences.
Based in: France

Leena Devadas Marypushpam is an Erasmus scholar currently doing her research at The Scottish Association for Marine Science. She has a passion for studying new techniques for refinement and development of marine natural products, especially from algae.
Preferred communication platforms: Linkedin, Email & Instagram
Based in: India / Scotland

Sofya Mishchenko is a project coordinator at the UN Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition and a manager of the Safe Seaweed Coalition. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration with Energy, Natural Resources and Environment major.
Preferred communication Platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: Norway

Tessa Nauta is a MSc student Global Challenges for Sustainability at CHARM-EU.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: Spain

Aaron M. Pinto is a Senior Project Manager, Environmental Activist, Consultant, and NPO Board Member who has worked on large-scale social and infrastructure projects across the world for Non-Profits and Government Agencies. He has advanced degrees and Certifications in Business, Environmental Sciences, Humanitarianism, and Project Management. Aaron is absolutely determined to grow a global community of activists, including NGOs, NPOs, Governments, and Individuals who will actively protect our vulnerable planet.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: Canada (permanent), Germany (current)

Christine Pinto is a Technologist, Volunteerism Leader, and Environmental Activist. She has Certifications in Technology, Operational Leadership, and Humanitarianism. She has developed technical solutions as an Automation Engineer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Volunteer Leader, Web Developer, and Consultant for SMEs and Governmental agencies across the world. Christine is an internationally-recognized speaker within the Automation Engineering space and has now directed all of her capabilities towards protecting our planet through technological means.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter
Based in: Germany

Rhianna Rees is the Seaweed Academy Coordinator at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), in charge of developing content and delivering courses.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter: @phycologeek & @RhiannaRees
Based in: Scotland

Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: Tanzania

Victoria Seekman is a master’s student in the international development studies program at The George Washington University and is also the Climate Smart Agriculture intern with International Development Enterprises (iDE).
Preferred communication platforms: Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn
Based in: United States

Shawn Senarath is the Founder of Ceylon Aqua & Agri (Premadasa Agri) a seaweed farming and processing company tackling the major challenges of seaweed aquaculture by focusing on innovation and international quality standardization. He intends to raise awareness on seaweed farming as a driver to spur coastal community development.
Preferred Communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: Sri Lanka/United states

Fiona Trappe has a background in regional economic and market development and as co-founder of The Seaweed Alliance and director of Seas The Opportunity has been an ambassador for seaweed since 2017 and continues advocating for seaweed with a specific focus on the UK and Ireland.
Preferred communication platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn, Email
Based in: United Kingdom

Zongkai Wang is an undergraduate student studying sustainability in business.
Preferred communication platforms: Instagram, LinkedIn, & WeChat
Based in: United States

Charlene Xia is a graduate researcher focusing on developing a scalable seaweed health monitoring system based on its surrounding microbiome at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Preferred communication platforms: LinkedIn
Based in: United States